Custom Kitchens
Custom made kitchens are practically independent of the area where installed with the possibility to manipulate all kitchen elements in terms of functionality, size and choice of materials, colors and textures.
We design and build a modern, functional, top quality custom made kitchen that are aesthetically customized to the space in which the kitchen is located.
There is possibility of installing glass doors, glass shelves and flare mechanism for silent drawer closing.
Na raspolaganju uvijek imamo različite vrste materijala za radne ploče i takozvane fronte odnosno vrata na kuhinjskim elementima.
We have always different types of materials for worktops and front doors for the kitchen elements.
We use kitchen fittings and mechanisms manufactured by renowned German, Austrian and Italian manufacturers.
Years of experience we have in the field of designing and manufacturing kitchens is an advantage at disposition to our customers.
Feel free to look at some of the kitchens manufactured by us in our kitchens foto gallery.